It’s official; It’s December!

American Thanksgiving is over, Black Friday has come and gone and Cyber Monday is last week’s news. And you know what that means, don’t you? It’s time to start planning your Christmas party! Now.

Why now you ask? Let’s just say that creativity in the kitchen doesn’t necessarily flourish under pressure. Unless of course you’re pressure cooking the main course of your meal, but a particular cooking method does not a great dinner plan make. If anything, waiting until the last minute to get your holiday party together will only cause stress to simmer until it boils right over – leaving you, your guests and likely the food, a little flat.

This year we’re heading our own advice and organizing our Christmas party now. The reason for this is 3 fold:

1. Menu planning and recipe testing take time. Sure, it’s easy enough to Google a 3 course Christmas party menu, but where’s the fun in that? Wouldn’t you rather wow your guests with your own culinary expertise? Even if that expertise is a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, making something that is uniquely yours generates idea generation, unexpected & delightful surprises and conversation – the key to any good holiday party.

Tip: Select dishes that fit well together and are familiar. Then simply swap one ingredient for something else. This allows you to create a meal that while comfortable for people, also expands their (and your!) culinary repertoire. Make it an experience to remember.

You know we’re big on cooking something new but your holiday party isn’t the time to do that. You’ll feel much more comfortable and your guests will enjoy your relaxation and feed off your energy so knowing how a particular dish comes together, how the flavours interact and ultimately, whether it’ll be a pleasurable experience or not is paramount. Do yourself a favor and give yourself plenty of time to try new combinations of dishes, flavors and experiences to create the best possible holiday menu you can.

2. Speaking of favors… Let’s talk decor, parting gifts and music! In addition to the food – which is always the best part if you ask us – the atmosphere can really make or break a party. So when you’re planning your Christmas party, think themes!

We’re not talking Medieval here (unless you’re into that kind of thing) but rather, an aura that ties everything together. Red, White, Gold, Silver are all simple but elegant enough to pair candles, napkins, place settings and even a dish or two – literal and food.

Alternatively, you could opt for a “Winter Wonderland” theme and use pine cones, artificial snow and plaid linens.

And don’t forget the parting gifts. Giving people a little keepsake like a tree ornament, bag of baked goodies or mix-tape that fits in with the overall theme of your party leaves people feeling extra special and gives them something to remember your party by.

The possibilities are truly endless and limited only by your own imagination. Have fun with it!

Tip: Be careful with candles. Make sure they’re not in any danger of being tipped over or in the direct hanging of a curtain. In fact, you could spring for some of those artificial candles and save yourself the worry. Also check that they’re unscented. While pine and cinnamon smell great on a tree or in dessert, you don’t want the artificial scents from a candle overpowering the aromas on the plate.

3. You want to leave room for errors. Err, learning experiences. As with recipe testing, you’re bound to come across some things that work, and some that don’t. Whether that be place settings, playlists, meal courses or even outfits, you’re going to want a bit of room – and time – for experimentation. Allowing yourself the extra week or two before the actual party to test drive all these things ensures Christmas party success.

There are no rules when it comes to a Christmas party except this one: Plan early. Forget the Martha Stewartness the season sometimes expects and instead, make it your own. Allow for slips and slops and for your own tastes to guide you. Your guests will enjoy it much more if you do and no one needs perfection. In fact, perfection is boring. Have fun with it, create wow moments for the season, new memories and of course, be jolly.

And if THOSE weren’t reason enough for you to start planning your Christmas party now, here’s one more: As the season pulls forward and Christmas day gets closer and closer, people’s schedules fill up. So we suggest you start sending out those invites, dishing up your menus and decking the halls.

…Our invite’s in the mail, right?

Have you started planning your Christmas Party yet? What are you serving? What’s on your playlist? What kind of decorations are you putting up? How are you celebrating – feeding – the holidays? Cooking anything new? Share your thoughts below or join the conversation on our Facebook page!

Keep Eating! Keep Innovating!

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