Pie decoration is getting a face lift thanks to technology. Interestingly enough, the guys over at Quirky found a new way to create intricate designs and images on food through a laser technology commonly used to create packaging prototypes and mock-ups. It’s the latest in food innovation: laser cut food.

By creating a vector file (like you would with a logo or any other type of design file), they sent the image to the computer associated with the laser cutter, which read it and programmed the laser to make the necessary etchings. Instead of focusing the laser on cardboard, they focused it on a pumpkin pie, and voila! an image of the Mayflower burned into delicious pumpkin.

Watch the video below to see it in action!

This isn’t the first time food has gotten the laser treatment. No, in fact foodies and tech nerds have been hacking equipment for years to make cool-looking treats with laser printers and laser cutters. In fact, there are even businesses that specialize in providing laser-cut hors d’oeuvres for brands.

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The process is quite simple and basically consists of using heat to burn or melt away materials in order to create shapes and designs. With the precision that lasers allow, you can get pretty intricate with your creations. And recently, people have started experimenting with other types of designs, essentially blurring the lines between food and art.

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What’s the most innovative laser cut food that you’ve seen? If you had access to a personal laser cutter at home, what would you create in the kitchen? Let us know in the comments!



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