While large chunks of the world celebrate Christmas, they aren’t all celebrated in the same way. In fact, there are quite a few interesting and unique Christmas traditions that are celebrated from South America to the far reaches of the East in China. Here are some of our favorite (and heart-warming) Christmas traditions around the globe.

1. Remembering Loved Ones in Finland

It’s commonly thought that Santa is actually originally from Finland and lives in the northern part of the country. In fact, there’s a Santa-themed amusement park in the North, and many Finnish families tell their children that Santa lives nearby.

While that aspect of Christmas in Finland is very kid-centric, Christmas Eve is often spent remembering family in a different way. Families will head to the local cemetery to remember and celebrate loved ones they’ve lost over the years. They frequently leave lanterns in the cemetery at the gravesites, which creates a beautiful glowing winterscape on the evening of Christmas Eve.

2. Glowing Lanterns in Argentina

If you’re from North America and visiting Argentina for the holidays, you might mistake the festivities for something similar to the Fourth of July. Fireworks are a common occurrence at Christmas time in Argentina. But, the best part of Christmas Eve is when families everywhere release glowing lanterns nicknamed “globos” are released into the sky at midnight (along with the fireworks) on Christmas Day to celebrate the start of Christmas.

3. Camping in South Africa

Sometimes when you’re living in a warmer climate, snow covered trees aren’t really an option. But, you can still enjoy the great outdoors. In South Africa, it’s common for people to use their days off from work or school to go hiking and camping. And, Christmas dinner is often eaten outside in the sun, and sometimes is a bar-b-que.

4. Pinatas in Mexico

In Mexico, it’s common for people to throw neighborhood parties called “posadas” in the weeks leading up to Christmas Eve. These parties feature delicious food, treats, and games for the kids. The most common of which is the pinata. Children get to take a whack at special pinatas that are shaped like a small ball with five points coming out of them, which are usually filled with candy and fruit.

5. Room Decorating in Germany

In Germany, parents will often decorate an entire room for Christmas, but instead of letting it be enjoyed for the weeks leading up to the holidays, they’ll lock the door. On the evening before Christmas, they’ll unlock the door and let the kids enjoy the decorated room surprise!

6. Giving Apples in China

While people in China don’t really celebrate Christmas in the same way that the West does, there are some small celebrations that happen in larger cities in China. One Christmas tradition is giving apples (usually wrapped up in colored paper) to friends and family. This tradition came about because the world for “apple” in Mandarin is similar sounding to the word for “peace” in Mandarin.

Do you have any special Christmas traditions that are common in your culture or just in your family? Share them with us in the comments!

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