No Bake Recipes For Fruit And Nut Balls

No Bake Recipes For Fruit And Nut Balls

No Bake Recipes – Fruit and Nut Balls The whole premise of no bake recipes relies on the idea that simple can be delicious and, for all intents and purposes, hassle free. It is true. Although there is always some effort involved with cooking, there are a lot of...
Cooking Bloccori, Cooking Broccoli

Cooking Bloccori, Cooking Broccoli

Cooking Broccoli I think about broccoli a lot. Actually, I think about bloccori a lot. I can not separate the two. I am not exactly sure why, as it has been some time, but Grandma called it bloccori and there is not a head of broccoli that goes by without the word...
Delicious Roasted Eggplant

Delicious Roasted Eggplant

Delicious Roasted Eggplant Eggplant is one of those vegetables that often gets passed up in the grocery store. It used to be that the only way most people ate it was in the form of a greasy egg plant parmesan, maybe a capponatta (the Italian cousin of ratatouille), or...
Garbanzo Beans Recipe – The Chic(k) Peas!

Garbanzo Beans Recipe – The Chic(k) Peas!

Garbanzo Beans Recipe It is strange to me when foods have 2 names but are the same thing – sauce and gravy, soda and pop. The same confusion reigns when I think about garbanzo beans and chick peas. Is this some kind of alter ego thing? Can they not decide...
Fried Okra and Other Goodies From The Farm

Fried Okra and Other Goodies From The Farm

Fried Okra Down On The Farm Every summer us city folk head to the farm for a spell. We do things there that we just can’t do in our urban, Euro apartment. We pick tomatoes, corn and okra. We head “over the ridge” and talk timber. We chew the fat...

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